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Congregation Brothers of Israel

L'dor Vador—From Generation to Generation since 1883
לדור ודור


The Israel Forum was started in 2009  to highlight support for the State of Israel. Over the years we have had programs and speakers related to the events in the Middle East and how they affect Israel. Our programs include films and attendance at Philadelphia-wide Israel programs.

New committee members are always welcome!

Here is an example of what we do:
The Israel Forum  recently showed the documentary film "The Long Way Home" on Sunday, March 10 from 10 am to Noon.This program was opened to and attended by the community at large.  This film was shown in January of last year but because of the important story it tells we showed it again this year in commemoration of Yom Ha'Shaoah (May 2) and Yom Ha'Atzmaut (May 9). The film, narrated by Morgan Freeman, traces the post World War Two period from 1945-1948 and the plight of tens of thousands of holocaust survivors and their ultimate at- tempts to reach British ruled Palestine. Events in Europe are recalled during this period as well as the fighting leading up to Israel's declaration of Independence on May 14,1948. The message of this film brings home the reason that the State of Israel is so important to the Jewish people. The survival of Israel in 1948, 1967 and on Yom Kippur of 1973 brings us full circle to today where Israel's enemies, led by Iran, threaten their destruction on a daily basis. The rise of Anti-Semitism throughout Europe and the Muslim World makes the survival of Israel more important than ever as Jews have a potential country that welcomes them without waiting. Just imagine if that were the case in the 1930's as the Nazi's rose to power.

Alan Agree, Israel Forum. This piece is the opinion of the author.


The content of this article is the opinion of Alan Agree, Israel Forum Chairman


  • Israel Bond purchases by  congregants can benefit our synagogue as well as Israel. Congregants can purchase Israel bonds and donate the bond to the synagogue, thereby fulfilling their charitable contribution to the synagogue. The bond purchase, which may be a charitable contribution (investors must speak to a tax advisor), also is a double mitzvah.
  • Instead of checks and gift cards for gifts - the eMitzvah bond (minimum investment is $36 which can only be purchased online) and the Mazel Tov bond (minimum investment is $100), have the benefit and potential to transform a gift into a mitzvah as well as a learning experience. We can provide printed or electronic information.

·         A collaborative project is taking place with American Friends of Magen David Adom (AFMDA) & Israel Bonds. Our Region has a goal of purchasing at least one Ambulance. The cost of an Ambulance is a $100,000. Individuals can participate by purchasing a minimum $1,000 – 3 year Sabra bond. The bond is registered to AFMDA and when it matures, the proceeds from all bonds that are part of this program equal to $100,000 will purchase an ambulance for Israel. This is another great way to support Israel by doing a double mitzvah. Some synagogues are making it possible for individuals to participate at a smaller amount. Individuals write a check to the synagogue which pools the funds. When the synagogue has received a minimum of $1,000, the synagogue purchases the bond and registers it to AFMDA. Contributions may be tax deductible to the extent permitted by law. A tax advisor should be consulted for details. Information is attached about this program.
Our website can be directly accessed by going to


Fri, October 25 2024 23 Tishrei 5785