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Congregation Brothers of Israel

L'dor Vador—From Generation to Generation since 1883
לדור ודור


We are pleased to inform you that the Bucks County USY has been awarded $1950 from the USY Chapter Innovation and Engagement Grant, funded by USCJ. For more than 70 years, USY programs around North America have sought to engage Jewish teens in an authentic and dynamic Jewish life. Please help support these programs with participation in USY events.


Bucks County Youth/Teens

D'Var Torah from Gabby Levine

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In the parsha Beshalach, the Israelites have escaped from Egypt and find themselves trapped between Pharaoh's armies and the sea. Caught between an evil they know and the unpredictability of the unknown, Moses sticks to his original intentions to save the Israelites and raises his staff, parting the water to allow passage. Once through, songs of praise erupt from Moses and his people, graciously thanking G-d for his guidance and protection. But even freedom is not enough to satiate the Israelites; their biological needs pose a present challenge to Moses and Aaron as the Israelites constantly complain of thirst and hunger.

Southeast and Southwest Conventions

See More Southeast Photos
See More Southwest Photos

USY Southeast Convention was an unforgettable weekend (January 17-19) filled with friendship, ruach, and meaningful experiences. We had 113 people attend from all across the continent. From inspiring tefillot and engaging discussions to spirited competitions and bonding moments, every day brought something special. We closed with a heartfelt farewell and celebrated an incredible weekend with a trip to Universal’s Islands of Adventure! The memories we made and the connections we built will stay with us long after the convention ended.

USY Southwest Convention (January 24-26) had 147 USYers and staff from Southern California, Arizona, Nevada, NY and Florida gather at Camp Ramah Ojai for an unforgettable weekend. Wild West with USY had plenty of USY ruach, meaningful prayer experiences, discussion sessions on Jewish identity and programs all created and led by the USY leadership in the southwest and staff. The participants raised funds for the California fire victims as well as decorated kipot on Sunday morning to be sent to congregations that sustained fire damage, in an effort to replace some of the religious items. The program closed with a very meaningful and ruach-filled closing circle.

Here's What Teens Had to Say!

Southeast Convention:

The USY convention was amazing. My parents are quite secular, and we live outside of a Jewish community, so I've always wished I was closer to Judaism. USY helps with that. I loved the community there. Everyone was nice, even people I had never met before. I made so many new friends, and had a lot of fun.


I had the most amazing weekend with people who became my best friends in less than forty-eight hours!


Southwest Convention:

I had so much fun! Going into the weekend as a senior I expected it to be bittersweet but for the most part I was having too much fun to be sad.


I loved coming to the USY convention this year and last year. It is such a fun and engaging experience where I can truly connect with other people just like me and make connections that I wouldn’t find anywhere else.


I love USY so much. It feels like a family, even when we haven’t seen each other in a while. USY is such a unique experience and I have made so many special memories that have all strengthened my pride to be Jewish.


Join these Immersive Experiences!



Graphic created by: Aviva Magnan, Richmond, BC, Lower Mainland

Register Here

Graphic created by: Yakir Filhart, Edison, NJ, Hagalil Region

Register Here

Graphic created by: Skylar Adler, Glenview, IL, CHUSY

Register Here

Register for this Summer!

Join a Summer Info Session
Register Here

Live Jewishly along the East Coast or across the USA.


USY On Wheels EAST 

Grades 7-8



Grades 9-11

Register Here

Find your personal connection to Israel.




Yuval Yisrael

Grades 10-12

Register Here

Engage with a local community in the Dominican Republic.


Impact Dominican Republic

Grades 9-12


A Note About California

USY is giving a mezuzah to every family affected by the California fires. Visit this form to order your mezuzah.

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About our Exciting Updates


Bucks County Jewish Youth

Congregation Brothers of Israel is proud to participate with four other area synagogues in social activities for Jewish youth from 3rd grade through High School.  




For 3rd & 4th graders

Our Chaverim group holds one event each month. Activities focus on social and Jewish holiday events. This program provides a wonderful atmosphere where friendships develop.      


For 5th, 6th & 7th graders

Our Kadima group participates in one or two events a month. Kadimaniks also enjoy a variety of activities that promote socialization, Jewish culture and pre-teen interests.

BUSY Chapter of HaGesher USY


Our BUSY Chapter (Bucks County United Synagogue Youth) offers participants a wonderful opportunity to explore their Jewish identity through social, cultural, educational, and social action programming while connecting with Jewish teens.








Jewish Peer Leadership Program Now Accepting Applications

Princeton, NJ, March 2021 — Gesher LeKesher, a program of JFCS, partially funded by the Jewish Federation of Princeton Mercer Bucks, is currently accepting 11th and 12th grade teens (as of the 2022-2023 school year) to participate in Gesher LeKesher, a Jewish peer leadership program.

As Gesher "Madrichim" (Peer Leaders), teens lead a group of 7th - 9th grade
"Talmidim" (Learners) in outreaches addressing trending topics from a Jewish perspective includ- ing friendships, the impact of social media, peer pressure, healthy dating relationships and ad- dressing anti-Semitism on campus.

This is a great opportunity to develop leader- ship skills which can be used in college and beyond while meeting and working with other Jewish 11th and 12th graders in the Greater Princeton Mercer Bucks area. Last year's Peer Leaders represented 7 area high schools.

Gesher LeKesher meets 6 hours each month-2 Monday Night Trainings from 6:30 pm-8:30 pm and an additional Outreach time either Monday/Wednesday Night or Sunday Morning.

For more information, please visit or con- tact Celeste Albert at 609-987-8100 x210



Two college scholarship opportunities are available to Jewish students who reside in the Princeton Mercer Bucks community.

The Jewish Community Foundation of Greater Mercer is offering book awards to college bound Jewish students. Facilitated by Jewish Family and Children’s Service (JFCS) of Greater Mercer County, the scholarships are award- ed based on financial need and students must be accepted and enrolled in a college or university for the fall semester.

Application Deadline: June 2023

The Dr. Esther Wollin Memorial Scholarship Fund offers monies from Dr. Wollin’s estate which were designated to grant a college schol- arship. Eligibility is limited to Jewish female full-time students who will be, or are already at- tending Rutgers University and raised by their Jewish mother in a single-parent household in the Princeton Mercer Bucks Community. Eligibility is based on financial need.

Submission Deadline: June 2023

For more information, visit https:// or contact Joyce at 609-987-8100 or


CBOI Scholarship Information Kessel-Young Memorial Scholarship

The Kessel-Young Memorial Scholarship Fund was established in June 1976 by Ida Kessel and the late Joseph Kes- sel in memory of their parents, Lena and Louis Kessel and Do- ra and Louis Young.

A scholarship will be awarded to a member of our Congregation graduating from high school, on the basis of need, to further the student’s education.

Applicants must be “hard workers” who will benefit from this assistance. The intent is to encourage students to continue their education. Academic excellence is not a criteria for this award.

In establishing this special Fund, the Kessel Family has recognized that awards are usually made to outstanding stu- dents in either sports or academic work. All too often, many students who show promise and are willing to work are denied assistance. To receive an application for the Kessel-Young Memorial Scholarship Fund, contact the Synagogue.


George S. Weiner Religious School Scholarship Fund
The George S. Weiner Religious School Scholarship Fund has been established to aid youngsters from Congregation

Brothers of Israel to attend the Rabbi Howard Hersch Religious School. Scholarships will be given out based on need. Contact the CBOI office for information.

Tue, February 18 2025 20 Shevat 5785